You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

322 lines
10 KiB

var connectionId = -1;
var connection_delay = 0; // delay which defines "when" will the configurator request configurator data after connection was established
var configuration_received = false;
var CONFIG = {
version: 0,
multiType: 0,
msp_version: 0,
capability: 0,
cycleTime: 0,
i2cError: 0,
activeSensors: 0,
mode: 0,
profile: 0,
uid: [0, 0, 0],
accelerometerTrims: [0, 0]
var PIDs = new Array(10);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
PIDs[i] = new Array(3);
var RC = {
roll: 0,
pitch: 0,
yaw: 0,
throttle: 0,
AUX1: 0,
AUX2: 0,
AUX3: 0,
AUX4: 0
var RC_tuning = {
roll_pitch_rate: 0,
yaw_rate: 0,
dynamic_THR_PID: 0,
throttle_MID: 0,
throttle_EXPO: 0,
var AUX_CONFIG = new Array();
var AUX_CONFIG_values = new Array();
var SERVO_CONFIG = new Array();
gyroscope: [0, 0, 0],
accelerometer: [0, 0, 0],
magnetometer: [0, 0, 0],
altitude: 0,
kinematicsX: 0.0,
kinematicsY: 0.0,
kinematicsZ: 0.0,
debug: [0, 0, 0, 0]
var MOTOR_DATA = new Array(8);
var SERVO_DATA = new Array(8);
var GPS_DATA = {
fix: 0,
numSat: 0,
lat: 0,
lon: 0,
alt: 0,
speed: 0,
ground_course: 0,
distanceToHome: 0,
ditectionToHome: 0,
update: 0,
// baseflight specific gps stuff
chn: new Array(),
svid: new Array(),
quality: new Array(),
cno: new Array()
var BATTERY = {
voltage: 0,
pMeterSum: 0,
var CLI_active = false;
$(document).ready(function() {
port_picker = $('div#port-picker .port select');
baud_picker = $('div#port-picker #baud');
delay_picker = $('div#port-picker #delay');
$('div#port-picker a.refresh').click(function() {
console.log("Available port list requested.");
chrome.serial.getPorts(function(ports) {
if (ports.length > 0) {
// Port list received
ports.forEach(function(port) {
$(port_picker).append($("<option/>", {
value: port,
text: port
});'last_used_port', function(result) {
// if last_used_port was set, we try to select it
if (typeof result.last_used_port != 'undefined') {
// check if same port exists, if it does, select it
ports.forEach(function(port) {
if (port == result.last_used_port) {
} else {
$(port_picker).append($("<option/>", {
value: 0,
text: 'NOT FOUND'
console.log("No serial ports detected");
// software click to refresh port picker select (during initial load)
$('div#port-picker a.refresh').click();
$('div#port-picker a.connect').click(function() {
if (GUI.connect_lock != true) { // GUI control overrides the user control
var clicks = $(this).data('clicks');
selected_port = String($(port_picker).val());
selected_baud = parseInt(baud_picker.val());
connection_delay = parseInt(delay_picker.val());
if (selected_port != '0') {
if (clicks) { // odd number of clicks
// Disable any active "data pulling" timer
chrome.serial.close(connectionId, onClosed);
// Change port utilization to 0
// reset valid config received variable (used to block tabs while not connected properly)
configuration_received = false;
} else { // even number of clicks
console.log('Connecting to: ' + selected_port);, {
bitrate: selected_baud
}, onOpen);
$(this).data("clicks", !clicks);
function onOpen(openInfo) {
connectionId = openInfo.connectionId;
backgroundPage.connectionId = openInfo.connectionId; // also pass connectionId to the background page
if (connectionId != -1) {
console.log('Connection was opened with ID: ' + connectionId);
// save selected port with if the port differs'last_used_port', function(result) {
if (typeof result.last_used_port != 'undefined') {
if (result.last_used_port != selected_port) {
// last used port doesn't match the one found in local db, we will store the new one{'last_used_port': selected_port}, function() {
// Debug message is currently disabled (we dont need to spam the console log with that)
// console.log('Last selected port was saved in');
} else {
// variable isn't stored yet, saving{'last_used_port': selected_port}, function() {
// Debug message is currently disabled (we dont need to spam the console log with that)
// console.log('Last selected port was saved in');
connection_delay = setTimeout(function() {
// start polling
serial_poll = setInterval(readPoll, 10);
port_usage_poll = setInterval(port_usage, 1000);
// baseflight specific
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_UID, MSP_codes.MSP_UID);
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_TRIM, MSP_codes.MSP_ACC_TRIM);
// request configuration data
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT, MSP_codes.MSP_IDENT);
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS, MSP_codes.MSP_STATUS);
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_PID, MSP_codes.MSP_PID);
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_RC_TUNING, MSP_codes.MSP_RC_TUNING);
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BOXNAMES, MSP_codes.MSP_BOXNAMES);
send_message(MSP_codes.MSP_BOX, MSP_codes.MSP_BOX);
}, connection_delay * 1000);
} else {
console.log('Failed to open serial port');
notify('Failed to open serial port', 'red');
$('div#port-picker a.connect').text('Connect');
$('div#port-picker a.connect').removeClass('active');
// reset data
$('div#port-picker a.connect').data("clicks", false);
function onClosed(result) {
if (result) { // All went as expected
connectionId = -1; // reset connection id
backgroundPage.connectionId = connectionId; // also pass latest connectionId to the background page
sensor_status(sensors_detected = 0); // reset active sensor indicators
$('#tabs > ul li').removeClass('active'); // de-select any selected tabs
console.log('Connection closed successfully.');
} else { // Something went wrong
if (connectionId > 0) {
console.log('There was an error that happened during "connection-close" procedure.');
notify('Failed to close serial port', 'red');
function readPoll() {, 128, MSP_char_read);
function port_usage() {
var port_usage = (char_counter * 10 / selected_baud) * 100;
$('span.port-usage').html(parseInt(port_usage) + '%');
// reset counter
char_counter = 0;
function sensor_status(sensors_detected) {
var e_sensor_status = $('div#sensor-status');
if (bit_check(sensors_detected, 0)) { // Gyroscope & accel detected
$('.gyro', e_sensor_status).addClass('on');
$('.accel', e_sensor_status).addClass('on');
} else {
$('.gyro', e_sensor_status).removeClass('on');
$('.accel', e_sensor_status).removeClass('on');
if (bit_check(sensors_detected, 1)) { // Barometer detected
$('.baro', e_sensor_status).addClass('on');
} else {
$('.baro', e_sensor_status).removeClass('on');
if (bit_check(sensors_detected, 2)) { // Magnetometer detected
$('.mag', e_sensor_status).addClass('on');
} else {
$('.mag', e_sensor_status).removeClass('on');
if (bit_check(sensors_detected, 3)) { // GPS detected
$('.gps', e_sensor_status).addClass('on');
} else {
$('.gps', e_sensor_status).removeClass('on');
if (bit_check(sensors_detected, 4)) { // Sonar detected
$('.sonar', e_sensor_status).addClass('on');
} else {
$('.sonar', e_sensor_status).removeClass('on');
function highByte(num) {
return num >> 8;
function lowByte(num) {
return 0x00FF & num;
function bit_check(num, bit) {
return ((num >> bit) % 2 != 0)
function bit_set(num, bit) {
return num | 1 << bit;
function bit_clear(num, bit) {
return num & ~(1 << bit);