updated .vimrc

Hari Sekhon 4 years ago
parent b3008088c8
commit 5fd8fa06aa

@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ if has("autocmd")
au BufNew,BufRead *build.gradle* nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; gradle -b "%" -m clean build \| more -R<CR> | nmap ;r :!gradle -b "%" clean build<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *build.sbt* nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; cd "%:p:h" && echo q \| sbt reload "%" \| more -R<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *.travis.yml* nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; travis lint "%" \| more -R<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead serverless.yml nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; cd "%:p:h" && serverless print<CR>
au BufNew,BufRead *Dockerfile* nmap ;l :w<CR>:!clear; hadolint "%" \| more -R<CR>
" vagrant validate doesn't take an -f argument so it must be an exact match in order to validate the right thing
" otherwise you will get an error or false positive
