updated README.md

Hari Sekhon 3 years ago
parent a24a4ada96
commit 9dff45dbde

@ -467,47 +467,46 @@ etc.
#### Kubernetes #### Kubernetes
- `kubernetes_*.sh` - [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) scripts: - `.envrc-kubernetes` - copy to `.envrc` for `direnv` to auto-load the right Kubernetes `kubectl` context isolated to current shell to prevent race conditions between shells and scripts caused by otherwise naively changing the global `~/.kube/config` context
- `.envrc-kubernetes` - copy to `.envrc` for `direnv` to auto-load the right Kubernetes `kubectl` context isolated to current shell to prevent race conditions between shells and scripts caused by otherwise naively changing the global `~/.kube/config` context - `eksctl_cluster.sh` - quickly spins up an [AWS EKS](https://aws.amazon.com/eks/) cluster using `eksctl` with some sensible defaults
- `eksctl_cluster.sh` - quickly spins up an [AWS EKS](https://aws.amazon.com/eks/) cluster using `eksctl` with some sensible defaults - `kubernetes_info.sh` - huge [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) inventory listing of deployed resources across all namespaces in the current cluster / kube context:
- `kubernetes_info.sh` - huge [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io/) inventory listing of deployed resources across all namespaces in the current cluster / kube context: - cluster-info
- cluster-info - master component statuses
- master component statuses - nodes
- nodes - namespaces
- namespaces - deployments, replicasets, replication controllers, statefulsets, daemonsets, horizontal pod autoscalers
- deployments, replicasets, replication controllers, statefulsets, daemonsets, horizontal pod autoscalers - storage classes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims
- storage classes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims - service accounts, resource quotas, network policies, pod security policies
- service accounts, resource quotas, network policies, pod security policies - container images running
- container images running - container images running counts descending
- container images running counts descending - pods (might be too much detail if you have high replica counts, so done last, comment if you're sure nobody has deployed pods outside deployments)
- pods (might be too much detail if you have high replica counts, so done last, comment if you're sure nobody has deployed pods outside deployments) - `kubectl.sh` - runs kubectl commands safely fixed to a given context using config isolation to avoid concurrency race conditions
- `kubectl.sh` - runs kubectl commands safely fixed to a given context using config isolation to avoid concurrency race conditions - `kubectl_diff_apply.sh` - generates a diff and prompts to apply. See also `kustomize_diff_apply.sh`
- `kubectl_diff_apply.sh` - generates a diff and prompts to apply. See also `kustomize_diff_apply.sh` - `kubectl_create_namespaces` - creates any namespaces in yaml files or stdin, a prerequisite for a diff on a blank install, used by adjacent scripts for safety
- `kubectl_create_namespaces` - creates any namespaces in yaml files or stdin, a prerequisite for a diff on a blank install, used by adjacent scripts for safety - `kubernetes_foreach_context.sh` - executes a command across all kubectl contexts, replacing `{context}` in each iteration (skips lab contexts `docker` / `minikube` / `minishift` to avoid hangs since they're often offline)
- `kubernetes_foreach_context.sh` - executes a command across all kubectl contexts, replacing `{context}` in each iteration (skips lab contexts `docker` / `minikube` / `minishift` to avoid hangs since they're often offline) - `kubernetes_foreach_namespace.sh` - executes a command across all kubernetes namespaces in the current cluster context, replacing `{namespace}` in each iteration
- `kubernetes_foreach_namespace.sh` - executes a command across all kubernetes namespaces in the current cluster context, replacing `{namespace}` in each iteration - Can be chained with `kubernetes_foreach_context.sh` and useful when combined with `gcp_secrets_to_kubernetes.sh` to load all secrets from GCP to Kubernetes for the current cluster, or combined with `gke_kube_creds.sh` and `kubernetes_foreach_context.sh` for all clusters!
- Can be chained with `kubernetes_foreach_context.sh` and useful when combined with `gcp_secrets_to_kubernetes.sh` to load all secrets from GCP to Kubernetes for the current cluster, or combined with `gke_kube_creds.sh` and `kubernetes_foreach_context.sh` for all clusters! - `kubernetes_api.sh` - finds Kubernetes API and runs your curl arguments against it, auto-getting authorization token and auto-populating OAuth authentication header
- `kubernetes_api.sh` - finds Kubernetes API and runs your curl arguments against it, auto-getting authorization token and auto-populating OAuth authentication header - `kubernetes_autoscaler_release.sh` - finds the latest Kubernetes Autoscaler release that matches your local Kubernetes cluster version using kubectl and the GitHub API. Useful for quickly finding the image override version for `eks-cluster-autoscaler-kustomization.yaml` in the [Kubernetes configs](https://github.com/HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs) repo
- `kubernetes_autoscaler_release.sh` - finds the latest Kubernetes Autoscaler release that matches your local Kubernetes cluster version using kubectl and the GitHub API. Useful for quickly finding the image override version for `eks-cluster-autoscaler-kustomization.yaml` in the [Kubernetes configs](https://github.com/HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs) repo - `kubernetes_etcd_backup.sh` - creates a timestamped backup of the Kubernetes Etcd database for a kubeadm cluster
- `kubernetes_etcd_backup.sh` - creates a timestamped backup of the Kubernetes Etcd database for a kubeadm cluster - `kubeadm_join_cmd.sh` - outputs `kubeadm join` command (generates new token) to join an existing Kubernetes cluster (used in [vagrant kubernetes](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools/tree/master/vagrant/kubernetes) provisioning scripts)
- `kubeadm_join_cmd.sh` - outputs `kubeadm join` command (generates new token) to join an existing Kubernetes cluster (used in [vagrant kubernetes](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools/tree/master/vagrant/kubernetes) provisioning scripts) - `kubeadm_join_cmd2.sh` - outputs `kubeadm join` command manually (calculates cert hash + generates new token) to join an existing Kubernetes cluster
- `kubeadm_join_cmd2.sh` - outputs `kubeadm join` command manually (calculates cert hash + generates new token) to join an existing Kubernetes cluster - `kubectl_exec.sh` - finds and execs to the first Kubernetes pod matching the given name regex, optionally specifying the container name regex to exec to, and shows the full generated `kubectl exec` command line for clarity
- `kubectl_exec.sh` - finds and execs to the first Kubernetes pod matching the given name regex, optionally specifying the container name regex to exec to, and shows the full generated `kubectl exec` command line for clarity - `kubectl_exec2.sh` - finds and execs to the first Kubernetes pod matching given pod filters, optionally specifying the container to exec to, and shows the full generated `kubectl exec` command line for clarity
- `kubectl_exec2.sh` - finds and execs to the first Kubernetes pod matching given pod filters, optionally specifying the container to exec to, and shows the full generated `kubectl exec` command line for clarity - `kubectl_pods_per_node.sh` - lists number of pods per node sorted descending
- `kubectl_pods_per_node.sh` - lists number of pods per node sorted descending - `kubectl_pods_important.sh` - lists important pods and their nodes to check on scheduling
- `kubectl_pods_important.sh` - lists important pods and their nodes to check on scheduling - `kubectl_pods_colocated.sh` - lists pods from deployments/statefulsets that are colocated on the same node
- `kubectl_pods_colocated.sh` - lists pods from deployments/statefulsets that are colocated on the same node - `kubectl_node_labels.sh` - lists nodes and their labels, one per line, easier to read visually or pipe in scripting
- `kubectl_node_labels.sh` - lists nodes and their labels, one per line, easier to read visually or pipe in scripting - `kubectl_node_taints.sh` - lists nodes and their taints
- `kubectl_node_taints.sh` - lists nodes and their taints - `kubectl_jobs_stuck.sh` - finds Kubernetes jobs stuck for hours or days with no completions
- `kubectl_jobs_stuck.sh` - finds Kubernetes jobs stuck for hours or days with no completions - `kubectl_jobs_delete_stuck.sh` - prompts for confirmation to delete stuck Kubernetes jobs found by script above
- `kubectl_jobs_delete_stuck.sh` - prompts for confirmation to delete stuck Kubernetes jobs found by script above - `kubectl_images.sh` - lists Kubernetes container images running on the current cluster
- `kubectl_images.sh` - lists Kubernetes container images running on the current cluster - `kubectl_image_counts.sh` - lists Kubernetes container images running counts sorted descending
- `kubectl_image_counts.sh` - lists Kubernetes container images running counts sorted descending - `kubectl_pod_count.sh` - lists Kubernetes pods total running count
- `kubectl_pod_count.sh` - lists Kubernetes pods total running count - `kubectl_container_count.sh` - lists Kubernetes containers total running count
- `kubectl_container_count.sh` - lists Kubernetes containers total running count - `kubectl_container_counts.sh` - lists Kubernetes containers running counts by name sorted descending
- `kubectl_container_counts.sh` - lists Kubernetes containers running counts by name sorted descending - `kubectl_secret_values.sh` - prints the keys and base64 decoded values within a given Kubernetes secret for quick debugging of Kubernetes secrets. See also: `gcp_secrets_to_kubernetes.sh`
- `kubectl_secret_values.sh` - prints the keys and base64 decoded values within a given Kubernetes secret for quick debugging of Kubernetes secrets. See also: `gcp_secrets_to_kubernetes.sh` - `kustomize_diff_apply.sh` - runs Kustomize build, precreates any namespaces, prompts with a diff of the proposed changes, and then applies if you accept them. See also `kubectl_diff_apply.sh`
- `kustomize_diff_apply.sh` - runs Kustomize build, precreates any namespaces, prompts with a diff of the proposed changes, and then applies if you accept them. See also `kubectl_diff_apply.sh`
- `helm_template.sh` - templates a Helm chart for Kustomize deployments - `helm_template.sh` - templates a Helm chart for Kustomize deployments
- see also Google Kubernetes Engine scripts in the [GCP - Google Cloud Platform](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools/#gcp---google-cloud-platform) section above - see also Google Kubernetes Engine scripts in the [GCP - Google Cloud Platform](https://github.com/HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools/#gcp---google-cloud-platform) section above
- see also the [Kubernetes configs](https://github.com/HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs) repo - see also the [Kubernetes configs](https://github.com/HariSekhon/Kubernetes-configs) repo
