updated yaml2json.sh

Hari Sekhon 4 years ago
parent c344013a52
commit d44af017b0

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ srcdir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154
Converts YAML to JSON using either Python, Perl or Ruby (whichever is available in that order)
Converts YAML to JSON using either Perl, Ruby or Python (whichever is available in that order)
YAML can be specified as a filename argument to piped to standard input
@ -35,12 +35,8 @@ usage_args="[<filename>]"
help_usage "$@"
# yaml is a 3rd party library, and in old 2.x versions so was json - only run the Python conversion if we have both libraries installed
if type -P python &>/dev/null &&
python -c 'import yaml, json' &>/dev/null; then
python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump(yaml.load(sys.stdin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader), sys.stdout, indent=4)'
# needs 3rd party modules installed (YAML::XS, JSON::XS), so check we have both modules first
elif type -P perl &>/dev/null &&
if type -P perl &>/dev/null &&
perl -MYAML::XS=Load -MJSON::XS=encode_json -e '' &>/dev/null; then
#perl -MYAML::XS=LoadFile -MJSON::XS=encode_json -e 'for (@ARGV) { for (LoadFile($_)) { print encode_json($_),"\n" } }'
perl -MYAML::XS=Load -MJSON::XS=encode_json -e '$/ = undef; print encode_json(Load(<STDIN>)) . "\n"'
@ -49,6 +45,11 @@ yaml2json(){
# don't want variable expansion
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
ruby -r yaml -r json -e 'puts YAML.load($stdin.read).to_json'
# moved to last as typical Python version change problems, breaks across environments with AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'FullLoader'
# yaml is a 3rd party library, and in old 2.x versions so was json - only run the Python conversion if we have both libraries installed
elif type -P python &>/dev/null &&
python -c 'import yaml, json' &>/dev/null; then
python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump(yaml.load(sys.stdin, Loader=yaml.FullLoader), sys.stdout, indent=4)'
# don't use yq - there are 2 completely different 'yq' which could appear in \$PATH, so this is unreliable
#elif type -P yq &>/dev/null; then
