updated Makefile.in

Hari Sekhon 5 years ago
parent ef5026e89d
commit f72e25d7eb

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ else
CODE_FILES := $(shell git ls-files | while read line; do test -f "$$line" || continue; echo "$$line"; done)
CODE_FILES := $(shell if type git >/dev/null 2>&1; then git ls-files | while read line; do test -f "$$line" || continue; echo "$$line"; done; fi)
CPANM = cpanm
@ -94,11 +94,15 @@ define MAKEFILE_USAGE_COMMON
make help show this message
make build installs all dependencies - OS packages and any language libraries via native tools eg. pip, cpanm, gem, go etc that are not available via OS packages
make build-retry retries 'make build' x 3 until success to try to mitigate temporary upstream repo failures triggering false alerts in CI systems
make ci prints env, then runs 'build-retry' for more resilient CI builds with debugging
make printenv prints environment variables, CPU cores, OS release, $$PWD, Git branch, hashref etc. Useful for CI debugging
make system-packages installs OS packages only (detects OS via whichever package manager is available)
make test run tests
make clean removes compiled / generated files, downloaded tarballs, temporary files etc.
make submodules initialize and update submodules to the right release (done automatically by build / system-packages)
make init same as above, often useful to do in CI systems to get access to additional submodule provided targets such as 'make ci'
make cpan install any modules listed in any cpan-requirements.txt files if not already installed
@ -129,36 +133,43 @@ export MAKEFILE_USAGE
# $(MAKE) build
.PHONY: default
default: git
@$(MAKE) main
.PHONY: printenv
@printf "CPU Cores: "; nproc 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null; :
@# $$USER not always set in sh
@# echo; printf "Git hashref: "; git rev-parse HEAD; \
@# echo; printf "Git hashref: "; git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1; \
@. $(BASH_TOOLS)/lib/ci.sh || : ; \
printenv: git
@ printf "CPU Cores: "; nproc 2>/dev/null || sysctl -n hw.ncpu 2>/dev/null; :
@ # $$USER not always set in sh
@ # printf "Git hashref: "; git rev-parse HEAD
@ # printf "Git hashref: "; git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1
@ # printf "Git branch: "; git branch --show-current # doesn't work on Alpine
@ . $(BASH_TOOLS)/lib/ci.sh || : ; \
if is_CI || test -f /.dockerenv; then \
echo; echo "USER = `whoami`"; \
echo; echo "PWD = $$PWD"; \
echo; printf "Git branch: "; git branch --show-current; \
echo; printf "Git commit: "; git log --pretty=format:'%ai %cn %H %s' -n 1; \
echo; ls -l /.dockerenv 2>/dev/null || : ; \
echo; echo "OS RELEASE:"; echo; cat /etc/*release || : ; echo; \
echo; echo "CI ENVIRONMENT:"; echo; env ; echo; \
echo; echo "PATH:"; echo "$$PATH" | tr ':' '\n'; \
echo; \
echo "USER = `whoami`"; \
echo "PWD = $$PWD"; \
echo; \
printf "Git branch: "; git show-branch --current; \
printf "Git commit: "; git log --pretty=format:'%ai %cn %H %s\n' -n 1; \
echo; \
if [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then echo "Running inside Docker:"; ls -l /.dockerenv 2>/dev/null; fi; \
echo; \
echo "OS RELEASE:"; echo; cat /etc/*release || : ; echo; \
echo; \
echo "CI ENVIRONMENT:"; echo; env ; echo; \
echo; \
echo "PATH:"; echo "$$PATH" | tr ':' '\n'; \
echo; \
else \
env | grep -E 'BUILD|PIPELINE|JOB|STAGE|\<CI_|^CI=' || : ; \
fi | cat # stops git commands from entering pager
.PHONY: ci
ci: printenv
$(MAKE) build-retry
.PHONY: build-retry
build-retry: git
$(BASH_TOOLS)/retry.sh $(MAKE) build
.PHONY: main
@ -188,12 +199,18 @@ usage: help
QUICK=1 $(MAKE) build
.PHONY: git
type git 2>/dev/null || $(BASH_TOOLS)/install_packages.sh git
.PHONY: submodules
submodules: git
@echo "checking out any git submodules:"
git submodule update --init --recursive
.PHONY: git-clean
git-clean: git
@git clean -n -d
@printf "\n\n%s" "If you're happy with this list, run:"
@printf "\n\n%s\n\n" "git clean -f -d"
